Friday, September 30, 2011

#3, Cliches

George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway, their eyes locked, George got all worked up, and had an ax to grind, Ealry that weak Curley's wife had thrown down with George, and it ended with George in a world of pain. As you realize George couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper sack. So when George was alone in the stable and Curley's wife entered George blow a gasket. Then at the drop of a hat they threw down once more. This was George's last ditch effort before he bit the dust. Then George stated,"actions speak louder then words," and punched her lights out. Curley's wife had pushed up daisies. Just then Lennie walked in and saw Curley's wife, she was as dead as a doornail. Then at the drop of a hat Lennie started to cry a river. Curley walked in the doorway and saw the dead lingering body of his wife, and yelled to George and Lennie,"I'm gonna bust your balls." Curley jumped on Lennie's back guns blazing, and started to get under Lennie's skin. Lennie whipped Curley to the ground and popped a vein, and fixed him up. At the end of the day George and Lennie were alive and got rid of Curley and his wife for good.

Friday, September 9, 2011

#1, The School

          As education was appearing in the mist once again, it seemed inevitable to avoid it. Finally the worst had come true; school has started. All was well and then suddenly my life began to decay. School was a long stretch of time occupied by attaining knowledge and correcting your mistakes. The building I was sent to was rectangular; it had straight walls as high as the clouds, so no one could escape over the walls. The warden had guards set at the towers focusing on the exits for anyone who had slipped out of there cells. The guards had eyes of eagles, seeing even a fly maneuver around the electric fence. I was in cell block D when I decided enough was enough, I noticed that the guard in the room was assisting a convict with a math problem. I lurked around the room until I saw an opportunity to flee. I ran out of the cell only to find the corridor filled with patrols. I managed to find a closet space to dispose my convict uniform, only to find a collared shirt and pants to wear. I acquired the suit and walked out the back door. I had finally done it, I had escaped the vault. I awoke the very next day dazed and confused, I realized I was back in the institution. But this time it was different, there were no usual patrols and no guards in the watchtowers. I walked towards the first noise I heard, the noise became deafening when I approached it. I entered a vast cell with inmates cheering with passion. Then suddenly it was quite, and I heard “Tim Crowley” I approached the voice to see what it could be, it was the warden of the prison, but to me surprise, he handed me a piece of paper and shook my hand. I was stunned no lectures, or discipline. On the piece of paper it stated that I was finally to be released and set into society. I had a small smirk on my face, figuring out that the guards had made a mistake; I was sentenced to 14 years in this compound, only to find that I was released in 12.