Thursday, October 27, 2011

#4, Dialogue

     Bob thumped into the room grunting," What just happened, you where supposed to lose."

     "Well, I didn't wanna throw the match. I don't wanna lose no more Bob, Why can't we win anymore," demanded Bill.

     "If we start winning we will be in a world of trouble," shouted Bob,"Do you know what Barry's gonna do to us."

     "Barry, who's Barry?"

     "Barry, you idiot, is the man who told you to throw the match. He's gonna have your head on a plate," roared Bob.

     "Have my head?" thought Bill,"What on earth are you saying, Bob."

     "Barry is gonna hunt you down until you pay him every last penny you just lost him," Bob yelled frantically.

     "Hunt us down? I don't wanna be caught, What are we gonna do Bob" Bill asked terrifyingly.

     "Well, you and me are going to get outta town for a while, Panama or one of those southern areas."

     "Are we going on vacation Bob?" Bill asked," Are we going to Mexico?"

     Bob answered,"Yeah, sure we'll go on vacation to Mexico."

     "Hooray" Bill screamed, when he jumped with joy as they left the ping pong arena.



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