Friday, January 6, 2012

#9 Original Poem

                      Pandora's Box

Inside the old box darkness loomed the air
         Demons and beasts awaiting to be free
                       All of the souls grouped together to create an army
                                   But the box was a bit to square

                                                The darkness was unlocked
                              Hell was thrown over the world like a blanket
                There was no way for earth to exit
The gods fought back and balked

Warfare was set between heaven and hell
                 Earth was the battlefield
                        The few survivors of the planet were revealed
                                       Just as they said farewell

                                           But one human was spared
                               She was still admiring the box
                 She reaches for the box and knocks
Seconds later she was snared

                      Pandora's Box was closed
                      And was no longer exposed

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

#10 cellphones

Our generation is slowly becoming more and more comfortable being inconsiderate. The Maclean’s Magazine article “public display of disaffection” suggests that the younger populations of the 21st century are less aware of what’s going on around them. Even the older generations are sucked in to the wireless world. Kevin Newman, age 52, read a speech at the University of Western Ontario on his iPad, which afterwards started typing with his iPhone. A poll was taken asking people if they saw anything wrong in texting during sex, 25% said that it was OK. Our world is transforming from a face to face social environment, and turning into a area where everyone is taking to a screen.

The author is correct with the statement “Cell-fishness hits an all time high”.  “People are fed up, and ‘no cell phones’ has become the new ‘no smoking’”, cities are bring in new rules to make it less acceptable. New York City hotspots agree with the statement and are asking people to turn off their cell phones if at cafĂ©’s. We’re losing our ability to relate face to face, presenting social conundrums, soon there will just be the noise of typing.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Synthesis Essay #8

“No human relationship is friction free,” perfection is a human thought that mankind creates to give the mind hope. In “Puce Fairy Book” written by Alice Major and “Forget Price Charming” by June Callwood the topic reveals human relationships being imperfect. Alice major’s and June Callwood’s ideas are very different on how they justify a couple.

“Puce Fairy Book” explains the issue of modern day relationships that a couple has due to fairytales. The mates dispute the issue of having long hair such as “Rapunzel waiting in a tower,” and she replies saying that her hair would never grow long enough.  The mate brings her a crystal slipper on a heart-shaped pillow. However,” my foot was too big to fit into it” she suggests. The only true fairytale that exists in the couple was the piled up mattresses that still caused here to twist and turn through the night from that, “one small nub”.

“Forget Prince Charming” is similar in the idea of imperfection through out human relationships. It argues the certain traits a mate should have, and the feelings he should show. The grandmother in this poem has three granddaughters, how are all of marriageable ages. She goes on to state that she gives them advice on how to judge a man, saying that, “they want a truth speaker.” Also they want a companion that works well with children and explains that, “Anyone who stops to admire a baby probably had a good parenting,” which means the loyalty and kindness is in the mate’s life. Lastly they should have humour. Not over the top humour just to get attention, but enough humour to turn a situation around.

Both Authors have their own opinions on how a relationship works, and how they shouldn’t be. I think that Alice Majors would be rather pleased by the grandmother’s advice in “Forget Price Charming”. She never gives the young granddaughters fairytale like advice, which will eventually prepare them when they become of marriageable ages. However telling a young child of price charming and of a knight in shinning armor wouldn’t be the end of the world. It would give them brightness and maybe, just maybe, they will find their perfect prince.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Effictive Imagery #6

       It was dusk, the light was dissolving behind the apex of the bluff. There he sat gazing at me outside his wooden cabin in a rigged chair. His vacant expression on his face stated he was alone and abandoned. His beret fell over his face like it was part of his figure. In his right hand he held a cigarette that puffed out smoke. Wrinkles covered his face from forehead to chin, He was as dull as a blank canvas. His eyes were like a cobra, glaring at his surroundings with patience, not moving a muscle waiting to pounce at a sudden movement. He had an ash grey mustache under his aged nose. A soft grown came from the man like a bear with an upset stomach. He exhaled, and with his last breathe he muttered the words,"Mona, I'm coming."

Friday, November 4, 2011

#5 College Application

       I am a unique human being, usually off climbing Mount Everest, again. I skydive, without a parachute. I can lick my elbow. I have beat flash in a 100 meter dash. I can walk on water. I can sneeze with my eyes open. I have survived the ice age. I have flown with a flock of geese. I am immune to cancer. I bowl... overhand. Both sides of my pillow are cold. I have jumped to the moon. I have escaped a volcanic eruption by walking away. I have won the Tour De France by jogging. I am fluent in over 150 languages. I once Lapped my opponent in a drag race. My to-do list is Done.

       I have killed two birds with one stone. The prime minister once took a bullet for me. I found a needle in a haystack. I can make orange juice, out of apples. Santa Claus sits on my lap. Atlas dropped the world to shake my hand. I can speak braille. I didn't speak with Gandhi, Gandhi spoke with me.I have won the lifetime accomplishment award, twice. I have discovered the meaning of life. I have roundhouse kicked Chuck Norris. I built the pyramids, one handed.

Friday, October 28, 2011

#2, Moral Dilemma

Dear Mayor:

I am writing this letter to inform you of my decision I have made about Gunter Grass. I have read the information you sent me, and I have come to a conclusion. I strongly believe that Gunter Grass the Commandant of a Nazi concentration camp should be apprehended at once.  His crimes of war should be recognized and out into account upon his arrest. I personally believe that Gunter Grass should be punished for these act considering that he sent 15,000 jewish people to their deaths.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

#4, Dialogue

     Bob thumped into the room grunting," What just happened, you where supposed to lose."

     "Well, I didn't wanna throw the match. I don't wanna lose no more Bob, Why can't we win anymore," demanded Bill.

     "If we start winning we will be in a world of trouble," shouted Bob,"Do you know what Barry's gonna do to us."

     "Barry, who's Barry?"

     "Barry, you idiot, is the man who told you to throw the match. He's gonna have your head on a plate," roared Bob.

     "Have my head?" thought Bill,"What on earth are you saying, Bob."

     "Barry is gonna hunt you down until you pay him every last penny you just lost him," Bob yelled frantically.

     "Hunt us down? I don't wanna be caught, What are we gonna do Bob" Bill asked terrifyingly.

     "Well, you and me are going to get outta town for a while, Panama or one of those southern areas."

     "Are we going on vacation Bob?" Bill asked," Are we going to Mexico?"

     Bob answered,"Yeah, sure we'll go on vacation to Mexico."

     "Hooray" Bill screamed, when he jumped with joy as they left the ping pong arena.